Ташкентский филиал
Abdulkamilov Sh.Sh. – executive director of the Branch of the NRNU MEPhI in Tashkent
Rakhmatullaev I.A.– deputy director for research and innovations
Uzakova Z.F. – deputy director for academic affairs
Shaidullaev B.N. – deputy director for youth affairs and spiritual education
Karshiev M.O. – head of the administration
Rustamova Sh.T. – head of the department for education quality control
Egamberdiev B.B. – dean of the faculty
Dostaeva M.Kh. – chief accountant
Mukhtarov O.P. – associate professor
Yuldasheva Sh.S. – tutor
Gafarova N.U. – head of the department for youth affairs, spirituality, and enlightenment
Nurjanova N.D. – press secretary
Dorofeeva E.V.– council secretary (technical editor)