Editorial board
Barsukova E.G. – head of the sector for research activities of talented students
Odamov U.O.– associate professor, department of electric and thermal power engineering
Djalalov T.A. – associate professor, department of nuclear physics and thermal physics
Anarbaev A.I. – associate professor, department of electric and thermal power engineering
Rakhmatullaev A.M. – associate professor, department of natural sciences
Toshmatova T.T. – acting head of the department of humanities and physical education
Tuychiev M. - associate professor, department of electric and thermal power engineering
Shovdirova S.L. – assistant, department of nuclear physics and thermal physics
Ivanova E.V. – senior lecturer, department of electric and thermal power engineering
Mukhammadiyeva Sh.G. – senior lecturer, department of humanities and physical education
Rakhimova S.D. – senior lecturer, department of humanities and physical education
Bakhtiyorov B.D. – head of the laboratory, department of natural sciences
Vakhobov A.A.– head of the laboratory, department of nuclear physics and thermal physics