Rules for writing abstracts
The abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. Theoretical and experimental works are accepted for the conference in all directions of the mentioned sections in section "Directions. All submitted materials will be checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Materials with an originality of at least 75% will be accepted for publication. Papers are not edited; the authors and their supervisors are responsible for the scientific content, style, originality and grammar of the papers. Online application is prepared separately for each paper and should consist of the text of the paper and registration information.
The thesis design requirements:
The abstracts must briefly outline the purpose of the work, its main idea, the proposed solution, results, and a brief discussion. Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word (docs) using the Times New Roman font, with a length of up to 2 pages (in Uzbek, Russian, or English), font size 14, single line spacing, and the following margins: left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm, top and bottom 2 cm. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm, with no spacing before or after the paragraph.
The first line: TITLE OF THE REPORT (printed in uppercase bold font, centered).
The second line (with one line spacing): surnames and initials of the authors, academic degree, organization name, city, country.
The third line: email address of the corresponding author.
The fourth line (with one line spacing) and onwards should contain the main text of the abstracts. The text of the abstracts must:
– correspond to the conference theme;
– reflect the main points of the report: purpose of the work, content, research methods, novelty and relevance of the results, practical significance, application possibilities;
– contain technically accurate information contributing to industry technologies in accordance with the conference theme;
– present new, previously unpublished scientific results.
The thesis must contain an abstract and keywords. The abstract should consist of 4–6 sentences and include a description of the main objective of the research, a brief overview of the methodology, and a summary of the most important research findings. Immediately after the abstract, 3–10 keywords should be presented, which may consist of individual words and phrases.
Requirements for Figures, Tables, and Formulas: All figures, tables, and formulas must be numbered (continuous numbering), and references to them should be included in the text. The total number of figures, tables, and formulas should not exceed 4. Tables and formulas must be formatted using MS Word tools.
Requirements for the References Section: If a references list is included, citations (including electronic resources) should be placed in square brackets within the text. The references list should be placed after the text of the abstract.
Each author may submit no more than three abstracts as an author or co-author
There is no organisational fee.
Abstract template via link